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Sunday, May 22, 2011

5 Myths about your Trade Show Table Covers


Full Color Prints are more expensive than screen printing:

MYTH: Not any more! Years ago full color printing was very expensive but today the technology has improved where full color prints are more economical than ever and often more economical that screen printing 1 color prints! Companies are now able to advertise with full color high resolution product photos on their trade show table covers promoting their products. Full color front panel printed 6’ tablecloths are $159 ($141 for 1 c prints) and 6’ Full printed table wraps are $120! Full coverage all over prints which are table covers that are printed on the entire table covers are as low as $240.

Printed tablecloths must be dry cleaned:

MYTH: The chemicals used in dry cleaning are not good for printed table covers and spandex table covers. The best is the lowest cost option of just cold water wash with a low temp tumble dry!

I need to buy multiple tablecloths to fit various trade show tables:

MYTH: Trade shows can bring you to different venues with a variety of table sizes. There are products out on the market today that offer tablecloths that they call “adjustable” but actually are just 6’ drape style trade show table covers that end up being too short on the sides and back when used on an 8’ table. That’s not adjustable! MVP Visuals offers truly adjustable options. First, we offer a truly adjustable trade show table cover that has Velcro™ under the table top and allow the table cover to achieve a fitted look when used on a 6’ table and open up to a drape style when used on an 8’ table. Secondly, we offer new table wraps. Table wraps work just like skirting with a full bleed print. The printed tablecloth will wrap around the table using skirt clips so now your tablecloth will fit any size table!

Screen Print lasts longer the Dye Sub Print:

MYTH: Dye sub full color print process is actually dyed into the fabric. Screen printing process stays on top of the fabric. Screen printing inks have improved and are more flexible so are now less likely to crack but dye sub prints never crack because it is actually dyed into the fabric so lasts longer.

I can’t get my tablecloth printed because I only have low res artwork:

MYTH: Graphic software has improved to the point where most logos and be recreated into vector format so you can get your logo recreated into vector format which is the best for printing quickly and at a low cost.

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MVP supplies a wide range of custom printed materials for events and trade shows. Visit to view our custom printed products such as: blade banners, light pole banners, canopy tents, table coverings, carpet, banners and flags.

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